Food Safety

Safety and Legal Compliance

Quality is a priority for Cimina Funghi and represents the main criterion by which it is evaluated by hundreds of consumers every day.

Cimina Funghi adopts a set of rigid control systems including, in addition to the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), a process of traceability of raw materials and packaging materials which guarantees, for each batch of finished product, the possibility of identify the supplier and delivery batch of all raw materials and packaging materials used in the manufacturing process.

Zero Defects

Quality is the foundation in our approach

We are committed to reaching the goal zero defects and no waste looking always new opportunities to apply our approach to continuous improvement to be more competitive.

Quality Check

Raw materials Security and full legal compliance

We guarantee security and full compliance of products by observing our policies, our principles and standards with maximum transparency. Each batch is checked in and out of our factory.

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Apri la porta ai nostri funghi freschi: te li consegniamo a casa con corriere refrigerato tutti i Venerdì!

Servizio attivo su CAP selezionati a Roma, Milano, Torino, Bologna, Padova e altri 300 Comuni italiani.